ACCI Ballot 2025-2026

The ACCI Election is open from January 30 through February 14, 2025. Below are the candidates for each office, descriptions of the positions, and the list of our current officers.

  • This is a single slate ballot. You will vote Yes - Approve Slate, No - Disapprove Slate, or Abstain for the entire list of proposed candidates. Please read this page in its entirety and decide your vote before clicking to log in and vote.
  • You may only log into the ballot once, so be sure you have made your decision before doing so. The link is at the bottom of the page.

Single Slate for Leadership

Job Descriptions for Your Reference
  • President-Elect: Serves for one year as President-Elect, becomes President for the following year, and remains on the Board for an additional year as the immediate Past President (additionally serving as the Chair of the Nominations Committee while serving as Past President). Nominees for this position must have served on the Board in the last ten years (see list of eligible Members below).
    • Job Description: Serves as overall leader of the organization within a 3-year rotation (President-Elect, President, Past President). Member of the Executive Committee for all three years. Performs leadership duties such as committee coordination and meeting leadership along with others as described in the Bylaws and ACCI Handbook.
    • Time Commitment: About 7-10 hours per month with more time during the month of the annual conference and any extended Board meetings, such as at the annual conference and fall Board retreat. The time commitment increases during the year as President and decreases in the year as Past President.
  • Board Director: Serves a three-year term.
    • Job Description: Board Directors attend Board meetings and conduct ACCI business throughout the year with the involvement of the Executive Director. Directors may serve as standing committee coordinators or liaison to committees in an effort to increase communications, quality and coordination among function areas of the organization (e.g., conference awards, publications).
    • Time Commitment: About 5 hours per month with more time commitment during the month of the annual conference and two-and-a-half days at the fall retreat.
  • Nominations and Elections: Serves a two-year term.
    • Job Description: Attends committee meetings to develop the Call for Nominations, review those received as well as potentially generate nominations; additionally, discuss position(s) with nominees, explaining the role, expectations, and time commitment. Sets a timeline within the Bylaws for elections. Works to identify and develop long-term strategies for developing leadership among members and promote those leaders through the organization.
    • Time Commitment: Total commitment is about 10-12 hours primarily October through February.

ACCI Office, (727) 940-2658 x 2002, [email protected]

For Your Information:

Current Board Officers

    • Gianni Nicolini (President)
    • Soo Hyun Cho (President Elect)
    • Yilan Xu (Past President)
    • Marlene Haupt (Secretary)
    • Travis Mountain (Treasurer)

Current Directors

    • Lu Fan
    • Jesse Jurgenson
    • Elizabeth Kiss
    • Nilton Porto
    • Aditi Routh
    • Tansel Yilmazer

Current Nominations & Elections Committee

    • Yilan Xu, Past-President, Acting Chair
    • Brenda Cude
    • Yoon Lee
    • Cliff Robb (rotating off)
    • Lorna Wounded Head (rotating off)

Log in and vote by clicking HERE.