ACCI 2025 Annual Conference
“Enhancing Consumer Well-being: Equity and Resilience” April 15-17, 2025, Omni William Penn, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Hotel Information
- Make your hotel reservation first and receive $100 off the registration price!
- Make your reservation HERE
- ACCI's group rate is $179 + tax per night single/double occupancy (about $204 USD)
- Group rate ends March 15, 2025
- Group rates are available for 3 days before and after the conference dates, based on availability.
- A small block has been reserved for Federal employees. Please contact the ACCI Office if you need to book at the Federal per diem.
- General information about Omni William Penn, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Registration Information
- Pricing:
- Professional Members - $700 until 3/15/2025; $750 after
- Student Members - $400
- Retiree Members - $450
- Non-member (join when you register & receive member pricing) - $850
- Register HERE
- Registration Terms & Conditions - The Fine Print
- Travel details and more here
- Overall Conference Agenda as of 1/8/2025: ACCI Conference Agenda.pdf
- Presentation Schedule:
- The presentations have now been scheduled and instructions emailed to proposals submitters find your date, time, and type of session.
- Details presenter instructions are not available HERE.
Become a Sponsor. See our Sponsor Prospectus.
Note: ACCI’s Journal of Consumer Affairs has announced a call for papers for a special issue "Enhancing Consumer Well-Being: Equity and Resilience" The submission deadline for that call is September 1, 2025.
Conference Planning Committee Chair: Richard Stebbins Co-Chair: Yilan Xu
Goals of the Conference
- Learning about programs and research in the wide field of consumer science,
- Networking to learn what others are doing,
- Motivation to become refreshed, stimulated in your own work, and to keep up the new connections made here.
Conference Objectives: At the end of the conference, participants will be able to: (1) name at least three new research projects of which they were unaware; (2) describe at least three new professional contacts; and (3) explain ACCI’s mission and vision and identify at least one way in which you could become active in support of work in the consumer's interest.